Ashes from the Forge

More on the FORGE..

B. Ford

2/2/202310 min read

MORE On the Forge...

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. OK..fine! This doesn't mean I'm not a good cook, no complaints - only compliments, requests for recipes in fact! I always did like playing with fire. Play with fire and you're gonna get burned. And I did, the very first time I went against the rules and played with matches and instantly got burned on my first lucky strike. Firecrackers, illegal in the state I'd been raised in for half my life, yet the first chance I got out on my own foot loose & fancy free I bought sacks full and with friends we shot them off the upper deck into the alley. When I finally got the nerve to shoot one myself, it blew up in my hand, luckily there was only soot, no sore. My first experience with a forge was years ago in college - I you've ever watched that show where they forge the things in fire then at some point you've likely seen someone make a sand mold and pour the molten metal into the mold to get their desired piece - usually a sword handle or component of some kind. They just go or it at their home studios, its much different when you're in college in a controlled environment and there's liability insurance involved - they've gotta wrap you in bubble wrap to do anything! Well, not really but it may as well have been - I was forced to wear this giant suit that was a cross between a beekeeper suit and an astronaut suit, once I put the headpiece on I couldn't hear and because of the head gear vision was now very limited. Sounds perfectly safe, right? Couldn't hear, could barely see a thing, could barely breathe, and when I would breathe I'd just fog up that tiny window on the headpiece used for looking through! But I did faintly hear something a squeal here and there and once things came into focus through the dizziness the haze and the humidity of a hot Savannah night at the forge I could finally make our a hand or two waving at me not saying "hello" but as if I was in peril because I was! I looked down and noticed my boot was on fire and at the dawn of my discovery my nincompoop professor helped put out the flames which were contained primarily to the sole of my boot. I guess you could say I was saved by my "sole". (Crickets.) Apparently my sand mold burst a leak and some o that hot molten bronze oozed out of the side and onto my boot, thanks to the SAFETY SUIT I wasn't aware of this because of the headgear that made the whole situation pretty darn unsafe.

Why do I continue? I get it it..I'm kinda sounding like poor Ralphie from that Christmas movie with his dreams of one day brandishing that precious ol' blue steel -a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, only to be shot down every time with the promise that he'd surely shoot his eye out! Well by golly, not only did the BB ricochet right back towards Ralphie's eye, only scratching his cheek just below his eye, but he also broke his glasses. Mom's are usually always right. Don't even try to argue with me on this anyone. It's just a proven act..there's an institute somewhere that did a study on it and proved it as fact..yeah that's the ticket. An Institute of....MOTHERHOOD. Sounds good to me. I continued to play with fire because it was who I was supposed to be and what I'm supposed to do. If we gave up on things just because we failed at them once or twice or even THRICE? ..then would we ever do anything in this life? Probably not a lot. Failing at anything STINKS. And failing at it multiple times makes you begin to wonder if it's really what you're meant to do. But it's that perseverance that makes us stronger, better, and makes us into more than what we were before. MORE of WHAT exactly? Of WHO? I can only speak from my experiences and those close to me and say that it's about Never giving up, even when you really just feel like dying. OR When you don't even feel good in your own skin, but you put on your favorite GIANT sweatshirt, tuck your hair into a hat and go do you anyway because you are made by your creator exactly the way you are for a purpose far greater than you understand right now. Sometimes it's simply showing up to SERVE others when you'd rather be in bed because it's the weekend and somebody else will do it, but you get up anyway, get there and the few who are there are grateful to see you because no one else showed up at all and you turn out to be the ROCKSTAR of the day and are blessed beyond anything you could ever imagine all because you just showed up. You showed up when you didn't like who you were, what you look like, or how you feel and you were at the end of your own rope-hanging onto this lie by a thread. But you still showed up and received rewards beyond belief that no amount of money can ever come close to.

In today's world I've seen things that have made me truly sick, sad, and honestly hope that I wake up and find I'm in a nightmare. I realize that won't happen, this is the world we live in now. Over many decades there has been a sinister enemy with many wealthy powers financially backing it to ensure the utter destruction of all that is good and to instead promote all that is wicked, unjust, and perverted. Our religion, our families, our values, our educational institutions, the workplace - every nook, cranny, and corner has been infiltrated in one way or another by this evil and I'm sure that most people wonder like I do: Have we already LOST? Are we too far gone to return back to the glory that we once had? Not while I'm still standing! I believe in God almighty, and I do fully believe in His promises from beginning to end about EVERYTHING. One of the root causes of the worlds problems that we see today is truth being suppressed. "I never thought I'd live to see this!", is a statement I've heard so many times over the last 5 years, if I had $5 for each time I'd heard it I might've been able to pay off my house and buy myself a new pick up truck! People are afraid and rightly so, whether their faith is weak or strong, because they see justice NOT being served and its opposite running rampant. I too was once afraid, but one day when studying the Word of God, and I can't remember exactly WHAT I was reading but I can guarantee you it was likely about suffering, I got EXCITED. I was filled with that peace from God that transcends all understanding and realized two things at once, I mean I really "GOT IT" I finally grasped these statements and understood them as they were written and intended to be understood by their authors from long ago and was overwhelmingly blessed and YES I cried! YES, I'm one of "those" people. First God, my Father and Creator saw it necessary to place me here and now during this period and time - he created me for such a time as this! Or as I like to say I was "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made For Such a Time As This!", so much that I made myself a pendant bearing that statement to wear. WHAT? I love jewelry, nothing wrong with that!!! There are verses in the Bible that people use like they're using napkins to clean up messes and they just get taken out of context, aren't used properly. They may help people and sometimes they more often than not only leave people confused because what those people really need, the very root of their problem is that they need a SAVIOR. They don't need a temporary fix, a verse that's improperly used to make them feel all warm and fuzzy for a few minutes and when time passes they're back to feeling awful again, because they need a Savior, they need Jesus. So the second thing I "got" that day my fears ceased to exist was a declaration made by Paul that is said quite frequently..I wonder when those people utter those words, do they really in their hearts understand it and do they mean what they say? I surely didn't until that day I truly was blessed by God in His infinite wisdom that "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians1:21 If I bring this together: The seemingly hopeless tumultuous times we're living in rife with injustices, along with the two truths God revealed to me from his word that HE CREATED ME specifically for this time period & that this life I have belongs to him already and to LIVE is CHRIST, then add all that together with what Christ taught while here on this earth but specifically, what he said before he ascended into the heavens after He rose on the third day:

"..repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations.." Luke 24:47

Then the answer to our problem is that I have some work to do. We all do. If you're a Patriot, then you're a part of this spiritual battle that is among us and you too have work to do too, NO EXCUSES. God gave us ALL Spiritual gifts. No matter what your inability He has equipped you with SOME ABILITY to get in this battle and get something accomplished for His Kingdom. If you're a Traitor I'm not sure why you're here. I hope you can read the blog and be changed by what I've said but I don't hold out much hope for my blog changing your entire ideology so I do have a can of Troll Spray that I always keep handy and I'm NOT afraid to use it either! I'll say it again, I know people have FEARS. I know people are concerned about certain individuals and activist groups who attack, physically harm, cause property damage, burn down entire neighborhoods & forests, destroy businesses, DOXX people, harass-I'll stop there. I'll stop because my goal is NOT to create more fear but to actually ENCOURAGE all those who've been beaten down over the last few years for absolutely nothing other than their God-given right to believe in what they want to believe in. That shouldn't be a problem, but because of a plan that's existed for well over 100 years and has more money than our imagination can fathom behind it - it is a problem because we are the REMNANT that stands in their way of successfully bringing their plan to fruition. So be encouraged by the fact that we're winning! We started out as a little flea, annoying and itchy to this giant unstoppable beast. And now that flea has become an awakened mass who actually isn't as lazy and willing to submit to tyranny and a mundane existence as the beast previously assumed. We've lost some along the way, but we're better, stronger, wiser, and we're learning to step into the roles that God intended or us, using the spiritual gifts he gave us. And my belief is, not because I'm PollyAnna or a dreamer but because I've shown up and had "no gift to bring, parumpumpumpum" that His word tells us He will equip us to do His work...

"...for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God..." Ephesians 4:12

So that even when we don't think we can because we've never done this hard thing, not even ONCE, we're going to trust God's Word...because He's already promised to equip us and He's never lied to me before. Truth. That's one of God's many attributes. Though I realize things are a complete MESS with the world, lawlessness running amuck, an illegitimate regime that is clearly not in charge of anything but RAPIDLY destroying America and over 900 Patriots unlawfully charged on a day when they were simply exercising their first amendment rights - Peacefully and Patriotically making their voices heard. Going against a corrupt giant unstoppable beast of a machine that had pre-planned bad actors installed, at the ready, to do their part. And do their part they did, succeeding and still free to this day as they always are when they burn down cities, destroy businesses, shoplift, protesting or assaulting officers or members of secret service doing as those on the progressive left have always done with little to no repercussions while 100s of Patriots still rot away in the Gulags throughout America, many or over 700+ days now with NO DUE PROCESS and NO BAIL. Many have never been charged - they were just classified as terrorists and seen as possible flight risks so they've been locked away like criminals all this time majority with no criminal pasts but are actually good salt of the earth people, were business owners, some served this country, some are veterans. WE HAVE TO TRUST THE PLAN..GOD'S PLAN. God's Ways and God's TRUTH, because in the end His TRUTH always Prevails!

"TRUTH springs from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven." Psalm 85:11

"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Lovingkindness and truth go before You." Psalm 89:14

So where does this leave US ALL? Let's just all QUIT, GIVE IN, and GIVE UP?! Absolutely NOT...not this country gal! I was raised to take care of myself! I can fish, grow vegetables, and I'm well prepared with food staples as well as defense if necessary. I'm sad and broken over what has happened and by the length of time that has passed where we've seen nothing done, it only makes me think the corruption goes deeper than I thought. BUT did we get here overnight? NO. Will we clear out all this corruption overnight, removing the head of this REAL corrupt giant unstoppable beast of a machine that we're now aware of? NO! Are God's Promises always TRUE? YES! Was this Country founded by a few scrapper Patriots on a wing and a prayer and the foundations of God? YES! Right NOW, TODAY..Are PATRIOTS the MAJORITY? YES! If there were a few who pulled it off a few hundred years ago with very little, then A LOT can make it happen with MUCH! And Patriots of today have something in common with Patriots of centuries gone by..GOD lives within our hearts and ONLY FREEDOM is acceptable to a Patriot. FREEDOM from sin. FREEDOM from TYRANNY. FREEDOM from all the lies we've all been inundated with our whole lives. In God's Perfect Timing, TRUTH will Prevail.

Until then, we Forge Ahead Patriots.